
Instant Prepaid USIM Card Use Service for Foreigners

April 01st, 2015 / views 10782

Hello. This is EG SIM.

For a convenient mobile communication service to long-term and short-term visitors to Korea including expats and foreign tourists, EG SIM provides a service for instant use of prepaid USIM card upon arrival in the airport.  



- Details –


Instant Prepaid USIM Card Use Service for Foreigners

1. How to Use

 Step 1) Have a certificate of entry and exit issued upon arrival (issued only by the Immigration Office at Incheon Airport, Gimpo Airport and Jeju Airport)

Step 2) Visit EG SIM CARD Agency

(Funny Malling in B1 Incheon Airport, Myeongdong EG Mobile)

 Step 3) Take a USIM card after passport check and payment

 Step 4) Use after having the USIM card detected


2. Service Provider

 1) Funny Malling, Incheon Airport

- Address: B1, 5-12-08, Transportation Center, Incheon International Airport, 2851 Unseo-dong, Jung-gu, Incheon

- Telephone: +82-32-743-7231

 2) Myeongdong EG Mobile

- Address: 34, Myeongdong 2-gil, Jung-gu, Seoul


The above service is an option available. You can buy EG SIM CARD without having a certificate of entry and exit issued.